I-truffle yasehlobo (Tuber aestivum)

  • Umnyango: I-Ascomycota (Ascomycetes)
  • Ukuhlukaniswa: Pezizomycotina (Pezizomycotins)
  • Ikilasi: Pezizomycetes (Pezizomycetes)
  • Uhlobo: Tuber aestivum (Summer truffle (Black truffle))
  • I-Skorzone
  • I-Truffle saint jean
  • I-truffle emnyama yasehlobo

I-truffle yasehlobo (I-truffle emnyama) (Tuber aestivum) isithombe nencazelo

i-truffle yasehlobo (I-t. I-tuber yasehlobo) iyikhowe lohlobo lweTruffle (lat. Tuber) lomndeni wakwaTruffle (lat. Tuberaceae).

Ibhekisela kulokho okubizwa ngokuthi ama-ascomycetes, noma ama-marsupials. Izihlobo zayo eziseduze ziyi-morels kanye nemithungo.

Imizimba yezithelo engu-2,5-10 cm ububanzi, eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka-omnyama, onsundu ngokumnyama, ingaphezulu enezinsumpa ezinkulu ezinsundu ngokumnyama. I-pulp iqala ngokuphuzi-mhlophe noma impunga, kamuva ibe nsundu noma insundu ngokuphuzi, ibe nemithambo eminingi emhlophe eyakha iphethini yemabula eyisici, iminyene kakhulu ekuqaleni, ixega kakhulu kumakhowe amadala. Ukunambitheka kwe-pulp kuyi-nutty, i-sweetish, iphunga limnandi, liqinile, ngezinye izikhathi liqhathaniswa nephunga le-algae noma udoti wehlathi. Imizimba yezithelo ingaphansi komhlaba, ngokuvamile ivela ekujuleni okungashoni, amakhowe amadala ngezinye izikhathi avela ngaphezu komhlaba.

Yakha i-mycorrhiza nge-oki, i-beech, i-hornbeam nezinye izinhlobo ezinamaqabunga abanzi, kancane kancane ngama-birches, ngisho nangokweqa kakhulu ngamaphayini, ikhula ingashoni (3-15 cm, nakuba ngezinye izikhathi ifika ku-30 ​​cm) enhlabathini emahlathini aluhlaza naxubile. , ikakhulukazi enhlabathini ene-calcareous.

In different regions of the Federation, truffles ripen at different times, and their collection is possible from the end of July to the end of November.

Lona ukuphela kommeleli wohlobo lwe-Tuber Ezweni Lethu. Ulwazi mayelana nokuthola i-truffle yasebusika (Tuber brumale) alukaqinisekiswa.

The main regions in which the black truffle bears fruit quite often and annually are the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the forest-steppe zone of Crimea. Separate finds over the past 150 years have also occurred in other regions of the European part of Our Country: in the Podolsk, Tula, Belgorod, Oryol, Pskov and Moscow regions. In the Podolsk province, the mushroom was so common that local peasants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. engaged in its collection and sale.

Izinhlobo ezifanayo:

I-Perigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) - enye ye-truffles yangempela eyigugu kakhulu, inyama yayo iba mnyama kakhulu ngokukhula - kuya ku-brown-violet; indawo engaphezulu, lapho icindezelwa, ipendwe ngombala ogqwalile.

shiya impendulo