I-Camphor cobweb (Cortinarius camphoratus)

  • Isigaba: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Ukuhlukaniswa iziqephu: I-Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Ikilasi: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Isigaba esingaphansi: I-Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • I-oda: I-Agaricales (i-Agaric noma i-Lamellar)
  • Umndeni: Cortinariaceae (Spiderwebs)
  • Uhlobo: Cortinarius (Spiderweb)
  • Uhlobo: Cortinarius camphoratus (Camphor webweed)

I-cobweb camphor (Cortinarius camphoratus) isithombe nencazelo

I-camphor ye-cobweb (I-t. Ikhethini le-camphorated) iyikhowe elinobuthi lohlobo lweCobweb (lat. Cortinarius).


Ububanzi obungu-6-12 cm, buyinyama (owenziwe kancane kancane uma uqhathaniswa nezinye ubulembu obunsomi baleli klasi), umbala uyashintshashintsha kakhulu - izibonelo ezincane ezinempilo zigqama nesikhungo se-lilac kanye nomphetho onsomi, kodwa imibala ngandlela thize ihlangana nobudala. Ukuma ekuqaleni kuyi-hemispherical, i-compact, kamuva iyavuleka, ngokuvamile igcina ukuma okulungile. Indawo yomile, i-velvety fibrous. Inyama iminyene, inombala onsundu ongapheli, onephunga le-musty, elikhumbuza (ngokusho kwezincwadi) zamazambane abolayo.


Ekhule ngezinyo, ebusheni, isikhathi esifushane kakhulu - umbala wesikhungo se-cap (okungacacile nsomi), khona-ke, njengoba izinhlamvu zivuthwa, zithatha i-rusty hue. Njengenjwayelo, kuma-specimens amancane, isendlalelo esithwala i-spore simbozwe ngeveli yewebhu.

I-spore powder:

Insundu egqwalile.


Iwugqinsi impela (ububanzi obungu-1-2 cm), i-cylindrical, inwetshiwe phansi, nakuba ngokuvamile ngaphandle kokubukeka kwe-tuber hypertrophied yezinhlobo eziningi ezifanayo. Ingaphezulu linombala oluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka-violet, umbala wamaphethelo wekepisi, elinescaly eliphinyiselwe kancane futhi elingabonakali njalo izinsalela ze-cortina.


I-cobweb camphor itholakala emahlathini aluhlaza kanye nama-coniferous kusukela ekupheleni kuka-August endaweni ethile kuze kube ekuqaleni kuka-Okthoba, okungavamile, kodwa ngamaqembu amakhulu. Ithela izithelo, ngokwazi kwami, kancane kancane, unyaka nonyaka.

Izinhlobo ezifanayo:

In similar species, you can add all cobwebs that have purple colors in their arsenal. In particular, these are white-violet (Cortinarius alboviolaceus), goat (Cortinarius traganus), silver (Cortinarius argentatus), and others, including Cortinarius sailor, for which there was no name. Due to the wide variability of colors and shapes, there are no clear formal signs to distinguish “one from the other”; we can only say that the camphor cobweb stands out from a number of fellows with a less massive structure and a more unpleasant odor. In any case, only a microscopic, or even better, genetic study can give full confidence here. I don’t like cobwebs.


Ngokusobala akukho.

shiya impendulo